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TOA provides Revit family object (.rfa file) for public address devices such as loudspeakers, communication devices, etc.
Your library will be even more enriched!!
TOA provides Revit family object (.rfa file) for public address devices such as loudspeakers, communication devices, etc.
2024.11.01 update
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● I understand that TOA is not liable for any damages to hardware, software and any other troubles caused by control programs which are created by companies other than TOA to use the protocols provided by TOA.
Data Update Informtion
2024.12.26 update With this update, the version of Revit used to create some files has been downgraded to 2024 or 2022. A-2030/2060/2120/2240 series, A-3212D/3224D/3248D/3248D series, A-5006/5012, A-9500DA, AM-CF1B, AM-CF1W, AT-063AP/303AP/603AP AT-4000 series BS-1006 BS-1015BSB, BS-1015BSW, BS-1030B, BS-1030W, BS-301B, BS-301B AS, BS-301W, BS-301W AS, BS-633A, BS-633AT, BS-634, BS-634T, BS-1034, BS-1034T, BS-1034EN BS-678, BS-678B, BS-678BSB, BS-678BSW, BS-678BT, BS-678T BS-678AB-EB BS-680F, BS-680FC, BS-680U CS-64, CS-64U, CS-64BS CS-154BS, CS-154, CS-304, CS-304U, CS-760B, CS-760W CS-761B, CS-761W, CS-761BS-B, CS-761BS-W DA-250D/DH series DA-250F/FH series DA-550F/500FH series F-03BT, F-03WT, F-05BT, F-05WT, F-08BT, F-08WT F-1000B, F-1000BTWP, F-1000BTWPEB, F-1000W, F-1000WTWP, F-1000WTWPEB F-122C, F-122CU, F-122CU2, F-1300B, F-1300BTWP, F-1300BTWPEB, F-1300W, F-1300WTWP, F-1300WTWPEB F-1522SC, F-1522SCEN F-2000B, F-2000BTWP, F-2000BTWPEB, F-2000W, F-2000WTWP, F-2000WTWPEB F-2322C, F-2322CU2, F-2322CEN F-2352C, F-2352CU2, F-2352CEN, F-2352SC, F-2352SCEN F-2852C, F-2852CU2, F-2852CEN FB-08BT, FB-08WT FB-120, FB-150 GS-302 HS-120B, HS-120W, HS-1200BT, HS-1200WT HS-150B, HS-150W, HS-1500BT, HS-1500WT HX-5 and HX-7 series, IP-A1AF, IP-A1MP, IP-A1PA12, IP-A1PC238, IP-A1PC580R, IP-A1PC580S, IP-A1PG, IP-A1RM, IP-A1SC15, M-9000M2 series N-8600MS, N-8410MS, N-8610RM, RM-210 P-2240 series PC-5CL PC-648R,PC-658R PC-668, PC-668R PC-1860, PC-1680EN, PC-1860BS, PC-1860BS-C, PC-1860F, PC-1860S, PC-1865BS PC-1860AB-EB PC-1868 series PC-1869 PC-2360, PC-2360EN PC-2369 PC-2852, PC-2869 PE-154BS, PE-154EN, PE-154EN-BK PE-64, PE-304, PE-304BU, PE-304WU, PE-604BU, PE-604WU, PE-64 PJ-100W, PJ-200W PJ-154BS, PJ-64, PJ-304 PM-120 PM-660 series RM-200M, RM-200X, RM-200SA, RM-210, RM-300X, RM-210F RM-500 SC-P620 SC-610, SC-610M, SC-610T SC-615, SC-615BS, SC-615M, SC-615T SC-630, SC-630M, SC-630T, SC-630TU SR-F04, SR-F08 SR-H2L, SR-H2S, SR-H3L, SR-H3S SR-S4L, SR-S4LWP, SR-S4S, SR-S4SWP, [SR-S4L + SR-S4L], [SR-S4S + SR-S4L], TP-M15D TC-615, TC-615M, TC-651M, TC-631, TC-631M TS-820, TS-820RC,TS-821,TS-822 TS-920, TS-921, TS-922 and TS-905, TS-907 TS-D1000-CU, TS-D1000-DU, TS-D1000-EX, TS-D1000-MU, TS-D1000-SU other TS series TZ-105, TZ-205 TZ-206B, TZ-206W, TZ-206BWP, TZ-206WWP TZ-406B, TZ-406W, TZ-406BWP, TZ-406WWP TZ-606B, TZ-606W, TZ-606BWP, TZ-606WWP VX-015DA, VX-030DA, VX-050DA & TTW VX-300LO VX-3000CT VX-3000DS, VX-3150DS VX-3000PT VX-3004F, VX-3008F, VX-3016F & T VX-3308WM, VX-3065BB |
Ceiling Speakers BOX Speakers Horn Spakers BGM Spakers Sound Spakers Network IP PA series Amplifiers Microphones Evacuation PA System VX-3000 series Conference System TS- series Intercom Stations N-8000 series |